From left to right, top to bottom: Ms. Constanza Gómez Mont, founder of C Minds and part of the Ad Hoc Expert Group for the development of this instrument; Peter-Paul Verbeek, member of the Ad Hoc Expert Group; Emma Ruttkamp, member of the Ad Hoc Expert Group; Mrs. Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO Director-General; Photo credits: ©CMinds.
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September 17th, 2020 – Today, Constanza Gómez Mont, founder of C Minds and Vice President of the Bureau for this global process, handed over the Draft Recommendation Global Instrument on AI Ethics of UNESCO to Audrey Azoulay, General Director of UNESCO, together with the other 4 members of the Bureau and the presence of Gabriela Ramos, UNESCO ADG for Social and Human Sciences and Dafna Feinholz, Chief of Section – Bioethics and Ethics of Science Sector for Social and Human Sciences.
Constanza's speech from today's presentation:
"There is no doubt that AI technologies are shaping history. In this regard, defining its ethos has become one of the greatest endeavors of our times.
The Bureau and members of the High Level Expert Group are very proud of the document we have co-developed with the input and comments of hundreds of persons from all corners of the world. The Recommendation draft has made visible issues that are meaningful to all regions, especially those of Low and middle-income countries, such as the ones in Latin America, where I come from.
From establishing that human rights and fundamental freedoms must be respected, protected, and promoted throughout the life cycle of AI systems to highlighting the need for gender equality, shared benefits, and ecosystem protection, among many key topics, this collective intelligence instrument allows humanity to rethink core values towards equitable futures and new paradigms of well-being.
I am very proud to have been part of UNESCO's extended family in this important endeavor and profoundly committed, through C Minds, to support UNESCO’s lead in transforming this global instrument into actions", Constanza said.
From left to right: Mrs. Gabriela Ramos, UNESCO ADG for Social and Human Sciences; Mrs. Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO Director-General; Mrs. Dafna Feinholz, Chief of Section – Bioethics and Ethics of ScienceSector for Social and Human Sciences. Photo credits: ©UNESCO/Fabrice Gentile. From Gabriela Ramo's post.
Constanza Gómez Mont, was a member and Vice-President of the Bureau of the Ad Hoc Expert Group (AHEG) of UNESCO, a group global experts that participated in the creation of the draft recommendation, which was open to a global consultation process that helped enrich the draft Recommendation with views from all corners of the world. C Minds assisted in the coordination of one of the consultation events in Mexico, which you can read more about at cminds.co.
The AHEG was conformed by 24 renowned specialists with multidisciplinary and pluralistic expertise on the ethics of Artificial Intelligence appointed by the Director-General of UNESCO. This group was tasked with producing a draft of the global standard-setting instrument, in the form of a UNESCO Recommendation, with due consideration for various dimensions, including the environment and the needs of low and middle-income countries. They worked with UNESCO's Secretariat, who coordinated the process and facilitated the global consultation.
Read about Constanza's interview on the topic here, where she speaks of her role as Mexico's representative in the initiative and the perspective she brings to the table.
We also invite you to learn more about the other persons from Latin America that helped draft this 1st document: Carolina Aguerre (Uruguay); Edson Prestes (Brazil); Octavio Kulesz (Argentina) and other key members from the AHEG.
This draft Recommendation instrument will be further discussed and passed by the Member States in the following months, a process UNESCO is leading outstandingly. Read more about the process here.