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AI for Climate Global Initiative awarded by the Paris Peace Forum 2020

“Merci infiniment aux organisateurs du Paris Peace Forum.

Grâce à vous Paris a réussi à inspirer le monde une autre

fois avec 100 projets pour nos défis en commun.”

Christopher Córdova, Cofounder AI for Climate


November 13th, 2020- The AI for Climate Global Initiative is honored it was selected today as one of ten winning projects at the Paris Peace Forum 2020 among the 100 showcased and 850+ applicants. As part of the recognition, AI for Climate Global Initiative will be receiving support from the scale-up team from the Forum to help grow its impact for the next year. We wish to thank our team, board of advisors, and partners for their support of this project and to the Paris Peace Forum 2020 for their inspiration.

“Being among the 10 projects selected by the Paris Peace Forum 2020 is showing that « AI for Climate » is an inspiring initiative on the right path to be adopted worldwide. AI for Climate contributes to a new wave of hope…”- Frédéric Garcia, Founding President of the Board of Advisors, AI for Climate.

AI for Climate is a global initiative born in 2020 that helps amplify and accelerate actions for climate stability, a more sustainable economy, and a healthier population, by harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI), multi-sector and multi-country collaborations. In this sense, the first goal is to enable a global platform to develop AI tools to support the conservation and regeneration of natural reserves and the optimization of efforts for the activation of the economy of the communities in and around these, which are often communities in situation of serious poverty.

The advances in digitalization around the world projected for the next 5 years were achieved in just 8 weeks due to the current pandemic, with Artificial Intelligence (AI) leading this transformation. There is no doubt that AI is redefining every field and has quickly become a cornerstone in the new digital economy. This comes at a time when the climate agenda needs urgent solutions. In this sense, identifying the possibilities AI can bring to accelerate pragmatic solutions becomes imperative for our generation.

With around 10,000 participants, 50 Heads of State and Government, and leaders of international organizations in attendance, the Paris Peace Forum 2020 called for improved governance and innovative solutions to global challenges. In the midst of the COV19 pandemic, an energized call for action and a green recovery was at the core of the event.

“The team at AI for Climate are glad to be part of the global efforts to come out stronger from this pandemic, using the best technologies to help us innovate where solutions are needed the most”, said Constanza Gómez Mont, cofounder of C Minds, the founding partner of AI for Climate Initiative.

We greatly thank our Advisory Board, Frederic García, President of the Board who has been a key player in making this initiative happen, Gemma Santana, Jorge Rickards, Bernardo Cisneros, Isabelle Peeters, Francisco Quiroga, Jorge Soto, and key people such as Ricardo Bello, Sayda Rodriguez for their support.

“I’m ecstatic to hear the news about AI for Climate being selected as a winning project at the Paris Peace Forum 2020. This can only mean that the fight against climate change and the efforts toward conservation through the use of emerging technologies is imperative to ensure the future of our planet. Hopefully we can continue the conversation at the AI for Climate Forum on the 25 -26 of November, where will have experts discussing the importance of this topic.” Lucia Trochez, Director of AI for Climate Global Forum 2020.

Learn more about the initiative and our 2020 Forum at

Closing Ceremony of the Paris Peace Forum 2020. AI for Climate Global Initiative Award: Min 15:00 to min 16:25.


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