What is the greatest societal opportunity for Mexico regarding AI?
How are we going to eliminate the discrimination of AI?
Who is responsible for developing AI in an ethical fashion? What are the respective
roles of legislators, creators of AI, users of AI and civil society?
How should society approach the fact that perspectives on what constitutes ethical
AI vary among individuals and different countries?
These are just a few of the thought-provoking questions that were asked last Thursday at the Aspen-Microsoft NextGen Roundtable Series: Mexico, the first roundtable in an international series organized by the Aspen Institute and Microsoft. C Minds was honored to be part of the small group of AI leaders selected to take part in this timely yet disruptive conversation aimed at advancing the AI agenda in Mexico.
Other participants included government agencies, academia, the media, and local and international tech firms.
The Future of Work
One of the main conversation topics centered around the potential labor disruptions AI could bring about. When questioned about their plan to implement driverless cars, Uber, also in attendance at the roundtable, reminded the room of its contributions to the job market by bringing about new, flexible working methods, highlighting the fact that while technology development implies shifts in the labor market, many of these shifts will come in the form of new jobs and new job types. It was also mentioned that systems should be put in place at a wide level to ensure adequate reskilling, as a response to labor shifts. Rather than these systems working at an industry level, it was recommended that they be over-arching to the economy.
In terms of the burden of responsibility when it comes to creating and upholding this system, participants diverged between pointing to the government or the industry, or both. At dinner, Rich Sauer, Global Head of AI and Research Policy at Microsoft, acknowledged the industry certainly had a responsibility to ensure minimal labor disruptions, mentioning Microsoft’s digital training lab.
All participants recognized that, although AI taking over the world is of some concern, current efforts should be directed towards reaping the full benefits that AI can bring now and mitigating risks, by working on adequate regulation. When it came to the question of who should be in charge of drafting said regulation, the room split between government and industry. Much of the consensus landed on the need to build a coalition that can create a strong voice and fair representation of the different stakeholders involved.
At C Minds, we believe this is exactly the way to move forward to ensure the creation of an integral and inclusive AI agenda for Mexico. Earlier this year, we co-founded AI2030Mx, an active cross-sector coalition made up of key actors in Mexico’s digital and AI ecosystems, which works under a co-responsibility philosophy between government, academia, civil society and the industry to ensure Mexico makes the most of the 4th Industrial Revolution, placing topics such as inclusion, shared benefits, ethics and labor impact at the heart of the conversations.